If you're anything like me, you've dreamt you dream of packing up and moving to the French countryside. Dream about the markets, the pâtisseries and the boulangeries. About the kitchens, the butter and the copper pots. If you're anything like Mimi Thorisson, the talent behind Manger you've done exactly that. I love her site for a bunch of reasons. But mostly because it reminds me that childhood dreams can do come true, that there's magic in the details and that doing what you love, with who you love leads to great things. xo, N ‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹ FOR THE LOVE OF PIE — a series that celebrates the simple things. Today, Mimi Thorisson and her Potato Pie with Comté Cheese and Lardons. WHO: Mimi Thorisson WHAT: Potato Pie with Comté Cheese and Lardons WHERE: Médoc, France WHY: When I was 19, I often went on Saturdays to a small 'salon de thé' near the Bon Marché store in Paris with my mother. After a little shopping session, we always looked forward to a casual meal there - potato pie with salad. Ever since it closed down, I've thought fondly of that delicious potato pie, so I recreated it. It has become a family favourite, and for some reason I only make it on a Saturdays. BEST SERVED WITH: A mâche salad, for a late lunch on a Saturday! ONE OR TWO THINGS: I was an only child with a dream – to have a great big family with lots of dogs. I love adventure, taking chances and cooking huge meals for family and friends. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:13] PHOTOS: Oddur Thorisson