Hi! We've updated our shipping rates to include NEW FLAT RATE SHIPPING on qualifying orders worldwide. Check it out below!
$5 FLAT RATE on orders with a value of $50 or less
$10 FLAT RATE on orders of $51 - $100
$15 FLAT RATE on order with a value of $101 - $499
FREE SHIPPING on orders with a value of $500+
AFRICA, OCEANIA & ASIA (including Australia!)
$15 FLAT RATE on orders with a value of $50 or less
$45 FLAT RATE one orders with a value of $250 - $499
$25 FLAT RATE on orders with a value of $500+
FREE SHIPPING on orders with a value of $1000+
$15 FLAT RATE on orders with a value of $50 or less
$25 FLAT RATE on orders with a value of $500 - $999
FREE SHIPPING on orders with a value of $1000+

PLUS, we're supporting the work done by POV 3rd Street, including their mentorship and education for marginalized youth who have an interest in the film and media industries. To that end, Michael and I have contributed a gift set to their current fundraising auction, including some of our favourites from the HG shop. Online auction closes on February 9, 2017 at 6pm EST and is live now! See a list of what's included below as well as in the last photo in this post.
4 Stoneware + Porcelain Dinner Plates handmade for HG by Sue Paraskeva
4 Stoneware + Porcelain Cups handmade for HG by Sue Paraskeva
4 Stoneware + Porcelain Bowls handmade for HG by Sue Paraskeva
The Gjelina Cookbook
Dinner at the Long Table
Set of 3 Herriott Grace Beeswax Candles
Retail value of $1000+ (see photo below)
Link to the auction here.